Medical ChatBot

Medical Chatbot November 5, 2022 Chat Bot So, basically, a chatbot is software that stimulates or makes a human-like conversational environment. Let me tell you that everyone in their life has interacted with chatbots whether one knows or not. As an example let us say you are doing your work on a computer some research on it, and a window pops up that says if you need help. Or while you are going to a good restaurant and ask your google assistant or Siri about which hotel will suit you. So these are scenarios in which you are having an encounter with a chatbot. Medical chatbot So now since chatbots are going to make our future easy there are certain fields in which chatbots are very necessary to be in. Like in the business sector and medical sector. In the medical sector, healthcare chatbots have started to slowly flourish. Healthcare chatbots offer a more personalized approach to every user in more convenient ways that can surpass human capabilities. All healthcare service provi...